Thursday, January 8, 2009

Not For Girls?

Being at the helm of a fit conscious community of women is a pretty great job. I regularly meet the most amazing people this city has to offer, many of whom report back to us at Camp with interesting tidbits from their continuing life adventures. Like my new favorite bit of absurdity delivered straight into my chocolate lovin' hands by E.

A regular Bootcamper from March through September, E's count-challenged participation in class ("uh...what number are we on?") was a source of more than a few rounds of morning laughs for those of us lucky to have known her during her work related stay in Seattle. Glad to have her back in the city on a term break from Oxford, a couple of us Bootcampers got together last week to enjoy each other's company sans push-ups. First order of business: chocolate! Straight from Lady England, E pulled 3 bars out of her bag. We were pysched!

Oh. But wait, 'cause..."it's not for girls"...

Wha...? Since when is chocolate not for girls?

The myths of our society perpetuate that chocolate is intended for girls: PMS, break-ups, bad hair days. There have been entire candy campaigns built on these myths. And if chocolate is not for girls, then, um...who's it for...boys? That just seems un...well...un-Manly.

Are the men of England unable to score chocolate from the shops if it is not clearly marked like a public toilet? Or is this a passive aggressive ploy to play on the fears of women: yes, indeed, your arse does look fat in those jeans.

Those of you who know me well are aware of the phrase I'd like to interject here, and yet will not, for decency :)

And so, assured by E that the offending chocolate bar "isn't even THAT good", the four of us moved on to the second order of business: The New Year! Where chocolate in America is still deliciously gender unspecific...

Kimae :)

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