Wednesday, May 19, 2010

And then there was...rain.

It happens. Hence the name of the SWLB blog, Rainy Day Recess. We're not afraid of rain 'round here. And our amazing class attendance this week proves that Seattle women have got rain savvy coming out of their waterproof Montrails.

On rainy days, as people begin filing into our outdoor workout area at Green Lake Park, I immediately set about instructing people on where to put their mat in anticipation of a smaller class size. I even say this out loud, "We're going to be a small class today due to the rain, let's skooch in close, mat to mat". I said this today! And no sooner were 1o more fabulous, hardcore women seen running our way in the rain, geared up head to toe, ready to sweat it out to the thrum of Seattle's best base beat.

We weren't quite dancing in the rain, but we came close!